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Larson Announces New Funding for Levee Systems Along the Connecticut River

May 2, 2022

Hartford, CT – Today, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) announced $200,000 in federal funding for the levee systems in Hartford and East Hartford was included in this year’s government funding package. These funds will support one year of the feasibility study to address deficiencies in the Flood Damage Reduction System along the Connecticut River. 

“Built more than 70 years ago, the levees protecting our region from flooding are outdated and unreliable,” said Larson. “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has already identified deficiencies that need to be fixed. In fact, it is estimated that a levee breach would flood at least 25 percent of the City of Hartford. I championed this funding request in Congress so our region is protected from a future disaster that we can prevent now.” 

"With extreme weather events becoming more common, it's increasingly urgent that we strengthen and upgrade the existing levees and the broader flood control system,” said Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin. "The City of Hartford has made important investments in levee maintenance, prioritizing our investment together with the Army Corps of Engineers, but to make the full range of necessary upgrades requires a federal, state and local partnership. I want to thank Congressman Larson and the entire federal delegation for their commitment to investing in our infrastructure systems, and to Congressman Larson in particular for his focus on the strength of our flood control system." 

 “This funding is a critical investment in the town’s levee systems and it will allow us to conduct a feasibility study to help identify and remediate deficiencies. This will maintain the functionality of our levee system for the safety and protection of our residents against potential hazardous weather occurrences,” said East Hartford Mayor Mike Walsh. 

"We want to thank Congressman Larson and the entire Connecticut Congressional delegation who helped secure this initial funding in the Fiscal Year 22 appropriations bill. This funding will allow us to work with our partners, evaluate the existing projects and provide possible solutions to the aging levee systems," said Lt Col. Michael Carvelli, Deputy District Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District. 

Hartford and East Hartford’s levees represent the most extensive flood damage reduction system in New England. In 2018, Rep. Larson championed the effort in Congress to authorize a feasibility study of the region’s levees. President Biden signed this year’s government funding package into law on March 15th, which included Rep. Larson’s request to ensure the project receives the funding it needs to move forward.