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Larson Votes to Avoid Government Shutdown

September 30, 2015

Washington – “It is a sad day when 151 Republicans would vote to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood. This is a reckless action that puts politics ahead of people--and the American public is tired of it.

"It took Speaker Boehner stepping down and Sen. McConnell standing firm to bring this bill to the floor. I commend the Republican leadership for preventing a shutdown tonight, but we all know this is only a temporary fix. Come December, we will likely face the same battle, jeopardizing the economy and the millions of Americans who rely on VA Housing Benefits, lifesaving research at the National Institute for Health, and the numerous other services that would go dark if the government closed its doors.

"There is a path forward. If the Republican leadership brings nonpartisan bills to the floor, they will pass. Both Democrats and Republicans know we need to invest in infrastructure to put the country back to work. One faction of the GOP cannot be allowed to gamble with the livelihoods of Americans who need our help. The tail has wagged the dog for too long."

