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Larson Response to the SOTU

February 4, 2020

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) released the following statement in response to President Trump's State of the Union address:

"Tonight, President Trump touted an economy that's illusionary. It works for the wealthy, but it is an illusion for the middle-class. His economic policies are leaving the majority of Americans behind. He's been focused on the stock market and 401k's, while neglecting inequality and economic insecurity faced by too many.

"In this economy, 54 percent of all Americans and 66 percent of millennials have no employer retirement plan. They are relying on Social Security. For nearly two-thirds of retirees, Social Security makes up the majority of their income. President Trump promised in 2016 and again tonight that he would save Social Security. We still have the opportunity to fulfill that promise and unite a significant part of the country that's been left behind in this economy.

"It's long overdue that we step up and face the reality, it's been 37 years since we last addressed Social Security. Social Security is the People's Pension Plan, the People's 401k, and the People's Disability Plan. This isn't an entitlement, it's the contribution Americans make to their future!

"House Democrats have a plan to strengthen and expand Social Security. The Social Security 2100 Act would expand benefits and make the program solvent for 75 years. Social Security is our nation's greatest equalizer, it belongs to all Americans. We implore the President to fulfill his promise and join with us in protecting Social Security."
