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Larson Fights to Protect Social Security and Medicare from GOP Attacks

September 28, 2018

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) fought back against Republicans attacks on Social Security and Medicare in order to pay for their harmful tax bills. Larson introduced a Motion to Recommit the Republican Tax Plan 2.0 (H.R. 6760) back to the Ways and Means Committee. His amendment would not allow the GOP tax bill to go into effect if it harmed Social Security and Medicare. The Motion ultimately failed and Larson voted against the Republican plan.

"Today the Republicans showed their true colors, they wouldn't even commit to my amendment that said nothing in this bill would take effect unless and until it had been certified that the bill would not harm the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds. For two-thirds of seniors, Social Security is the vast majority of their income. Consider that 10,000 Baby Boomers a day are becoming eligible for retirement. My Republican colleagues are paying for tax reform on the backs of American seniors - by forcing devastating cuts to Social Security and Medicare at the moment seniors will need them the most. These aren't entitlements, they are the insurance that Americans have paid for and earned through a lifetime of work," said Larson.

Click here to view Larson's remarks.
